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  The design theories, especially at the graduate level, increasingly imposes the need for professors to explain some of the underlying so called  philosophical roots and assumptions of the theoretical discourses to their clients. The Idea of Models of Man or Mans Model... Traditional economic theory postulates an “economic man,”  who, in the course of being “economic,” is also “rational.”  This man is assumed to have knowledge of the relevant  aspects of his environment?

Psychotronics = Psycho (Mind) + Tronics Devicehence the term “psychotronics”. We believe that a true understanding of the universe must include the spiritual, as well as, the technical, and provide an opportunity for amateur researchers to present their findings along with the professionals. We stress research, with documentation of results, and practical applications, rather than personal experience and unsupported hypotheses.

The motto Concordia, Integritas, Industria translates as Harmony, Integrity and Industry. Practically no research has been done on the differences between traditional offline and online social networks. It would be a reasonable position to take that the structure of people’s online social networks and the types of communication they engage in via electronic media are relatively similar to their real life counterparts. After all, it is the same person engaging in these behaviors in both scenarios.

A Renaissance Man for the 21st century, i am a analogue, digital technical, composer, artist, and author who wrote on numerous topics, including high-technology business, the social impact of technology, the philosophy of consciousness, information, Internet politics, and the future of humanism.

Private agreements/contracts that bind us will always overrule the broad general clauses of the Constitution and Bill of Rights (the Constitution being essentially a renamed enactment of English common law). The Bill of Rights is viewed by the Crown as a 'bill of benefits,' conferred on us by them in anticipation of reciprocity (taxes). Protestors and resistors will also lose their cases by boasting of citizenship status. Citizenship is another equity agreement that we have with the Crown. And this is the very juristic contract that Federal judges will use to incarcerate them.

The tribulation is a future seven-year period when He will finish His discipline of Israel and finalize his judgment of the unbelieving world.

In fact, intelligence a purposeful response to available information, often anticipating the future—is not restricted to the minds of some privileged species. It is distributed throughout biology, at many different spatial and temporal scales. There are not just intelligent people, mammals, birds and cephalopods. Intelligent, purposeful problem-solving behavior can be found in parts of all living things: single cells and tissues, individual neurons and networks of neurons, viruses, ribosomes and RNA fragments, down to motor proteins and molecular networks. Arguably, understanding the origin of intelligence is the central problem in biology—one that is still wide open. In this piece, we argue that progress in developmental biology and neurosciences is now providing a promising path to show how the architecture of modular systems underlies evolutionary and organismal intelligence.

Please be aware that Mr, Mrs, Miss and Sir can all be considered legal appellations and therefore point straight towards a legal Title, which signifies legal ownership and therefore fiction.The connections between the members of a social species are efficiently captured and explored within the theory and methodology of social networks and social network analysis. A significant portion of network approaches to understanding human sociality and group behavior was done by the founders of social psychology and the method left the field and has only recently reemerged. Social network analysis needs to undergo a full resurrection within the social sciences in light of its tremendous ability to provide newfound accuracy in defining social position and relationships.


Modern biology faces a fundamental knowledge gap when trying to explain meaningful, intelligent behavior. How can a system composed of cells and electrical signals generate a well-adapted body with behavior and mental states? If cells are not intelligent, how can intelligent behavior emerge from a distributed system composed of them? This fundamental mystery permeates biology. All biological phenomena are, in a sense, “group decisions” because organisms are made of individual parts—organs, tissues, cells, organelles, molecules. What properties of living systems enable components to work together toward higher-level goals?

The Art, Activism, Technology and Identity

That's the 21st century? Experimental results on sophisticated industrial circuits show the effectiveness of the proposed custom layout constructs in producing results with aligned or better post-layout performance compared with manual designs.

Snowden cries: "I'm Exposing The Whole Thing?" Much of what is explained here isactually nonsense. Something like this is only possible via the user's operating system.As a sworn Atari computer technician, I would like to briefly comment on this: "We use a Rom-Tos ( Tramiels Operating System), it was a system which did not allow access from outside". Now it should be clear to everyone why Microsoft root open directories paved the way for monitoring.



Sometimes i feel like a radiolarian a single ultra-structure of being broken up into isolation, i am not. Of course, people believe that there is an essential difference between the tasks incumbent upon the comrades of the socialist commonwealth and those incumbent upon slaves or serfs. The slaves and serfs, they say, toiled for the benefit of an exploiting lord. But in a socialist system, the produce of labor goes to society of which the toiler himself is a part; here the worker works for himself, as it were.

William Seward Burroughs II (February 5, 1914 – August 2, 1997) was an American writer and visual artist. He is widely considered a primary figure of the Beat Generation and a major postmodern author who influenced popular culture,literature and me.

Cybernetics is the study of human/machine interaction guided by the principle that numerous different types of systems can be studied according to principles of feedback, control, and communications. The field has a quantitative component, inherited from feedback controland information theory, but is primary a qualitative, analytical tool – one might even say aphilosophy of technology. Cybernetics is characterized by a tendency to universalize the notionof feedback, seeing it as the underlying principle of the technological world. Closely relatedvariants include: information theory, human factors engineering, control theory, systems theory. Norbert Wiener founded the field with his in his 1948 book Cybernetics: or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine which articulated the marriage of communication and control for a generation of engineers, systems theorists, and technical enthusiasts of varied stripes.

Human life may not have been created with any per-determined purpose, but this need not mean that it cannot have a purpose.However, it should not end up glowing in an experimental laboratory. Wiener articulated his new approach in his 1948 book Cybernetics. He created the term from the Greek word for “steersman,” to describe the principle governing or directing a technology or system. Wiener claimed to have been the first to unify control theory with communications theory, but that had occurred among engineers several years before during the war. Nevertheless, he did clearly articulate the marriage and explore its implications for philosophy, psychology, and mathematics. In Cybernetics he argued for what we now see as classic “systems approach” – everything can be described as a system, broken down into “black box” components with inputs and outputs, and then understood using the ideas of information flow, noise, feedback, stability, and so on. Wiener brought together this engineering-oriented-stance, with w at physiologists like Walter Canon had developed in the prior decades under the headings of “homeostasis” and their studies of neuro/muscular behavior.

The web of secret societies, which had grown steadily in power across most of Europe over a period of centuries, had long sought to infiltrate and control the Vatican. They came very close to doing this in 1903 when a Freemason, Cardinal Mariano Rampolla, was almost elected Pope.Success came with the election of Pope John XXIII in 1958. Compton  produces evidence which suggests that this Pope, Angelo Roncalli, had joined the secret order of the Rosicrucians while based in Turkey as an  Apostolic Delegate. Roncalli set about dismantling the culture and ethos of the Catholic Church by subjecting all of its beliefs and practices to a rigorous ecclesiastical review.

While everyone knew this would lead inevitably to a forfeiture of the Church’s greatest strengths, its moral authority and its rigid traditionalism, the prelates concerned had no choice but to obey.

Remember Theodore Kaczynski? The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human being to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.

The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break down. If it survives, it MAY eventually achieve a low level of physical and psychological suffering, but only after passing through a long and very painful period of adjustment and only at the cost of permanently reducing human beings and many other living organisms to engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine. Furthermore, if the system survives, the consequences will be inevitable: There is no way of reforming or modifying the system so as to prevent it from depriving people of dignity and autonomy.

I am not a property by a firm, organisation or a State.

If the system breaks down the consequences will still be very painful. But the bigger the system grows the more disastrous the results of its breakdown will be, so if it is to break down it had best break down sooner rather than later. We therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system. This revolution may or may not make use of violence; it may be sudden or it may be a relatively gradual process spanning a few decades. We can’t predict any of that. But we do outline in a very general way the measures that those who hate the industrial system should take in order to prepare the way for a revolution against that form of society. This is not to be a Political revolution. Its object will be to overthrow not governments but the economic and technological basis of the present society.

The German socialist philosopher Erich Fromm sought to explain the social psychology of right-wing authoritarianism after the Nazis drove him into exile. His work is full of valuable insights that can inform struggles for political and economic freedom today.

The hardest Way to go. Any mediocre man would fight to make the below article as the first lesson to every child entering school. This is the truth every individual irrespective of age should have known. The perspective towards the world, the world nations will get a drastic change...

OSHO'S Words - Rajneesh (born Chandra Mohan Jain; 11 December 1931 – 19 January 1990)

The very conspiracy behind this Nobel Laureate thing is well understood with the following example.  A person is made Nobel Laureate for inventing Penicillin.  10 Years later a survey proves that this antibiotic has killed some x thousand people and before this news becomes public the target of killing a few thousand people without the intervention of law and judiciary is achieved.

For many decades, we've been the souls on the “front lines” of this awakening.hey have had a wide range of acquisition ranging from major theme parks to cinema complexes. This may appear to cause no harm. But the spectrum they have been using is very peculiar.  

They design these cartoon characters and scenes with the help of topnotch psychiatrists in such a way they directly handle the subconscious mind of children. They sow the seeds, as to how should they see people, how shooting someone is very easy, how growing biceps helps attracting a women,  how smoking is a sign of manhood, how terrorists always happen to be Islamic, how the world is always under the control of a superhero and common people always remain common people and many more.

The people, will succeed in freeing ourselves from the enslavement of the Plan and  Babylonian-money-magic, and we will see and end to the reign of the faux-leaders as the Old World Order crumbles and the truth comes out.

Changing scenes.


Note: The Internet does not belong to Google


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Genearal Requests: wurch936@gmail.com
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