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Very few countries have violated as many humanitarian laws and codes of war on such a large scale, and for such an extended period. Networks dominate our modern life. Social networks have always existed and have been around in nonelectronic forms throughout the entirety of our species’ history. It is only recently that the Internet has provided a venue for their electronic explosion. From a nonexistent phenomenon to an incessantly repeated buzzword that permeates the media and is the topic of a major Hollywood film, electronic social networks experience such success because human social behavior has been naturally selected to interface in such a way. Genes and culture relentlessly encourage sociality, and network structure is the grand output of countless interactions in which we engage, from winks to weddings. With the advent of technology that promotes these connections, our innate propensity to connect at a large scale is changing the way we live.

The vast political leverage of the United States, the rising indifference of media coverage, and the alleged need of secrecy for matters of national security have largely enabled one of the bloodiest 50 years in human history..


Fourth Geneva Convention:[V] Article three: Applies to "persons taking no active part in the hostilities." And prohibits "violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds." As well as "the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgement pronounced by a regularly constituted court."


The Blitzkrieg Economy is still met with in current historical writing but it has turned out to be a myth, like military ‘Blitzkrieg’, a term the German armed forces did not use.Germany embarked on exceptional military preparations in the 1930s and converted the economy on a large scale to the early war effort, but in the end the economic performance did not match German’s potential capacity for industrial output. That potential was realized after 1945, utilizing much of the resource base available during the war. The current German economic success story has shown the obvious advantages of a market economy over the costs of waging wars of economic conquest.

In the aftermath of that marvel of modern technology called the Second World War and perhaps that modern encounter of cultures called Vietnam, it has become obvious that the drive for mastery over men is not merely a by-product of a faulty political economy but also of a world-view which believes in the absolute superiority of the human over the non-human and the sub-human, the masculine over the feminine, the adult over the child, the historical over the a historical, and the modern or progressive over the traditional or the savage. It has become more and more apparent that genocides, ecodisasters and ethnocides are but the underside of corrupt sciences and psychopathic technologies wedded to new secular hierarchies, which have reduced major civilizations to the status of a set of empty rituals.

The ancient forces of human greed and violence, one recognizes, have merely found a new legitimacy in anthropocentric doctrines of secular salvation, in the ideologies of progress, normality and hyper-masculinity, and in theories of cumulative growth of science and technology.

As history has repeatedly shown, conflicts impose immeasurable human suffering and large economic and social costs. The loss of human life; destruction of infrastructure, human capital, and institutions; political instability; and greater uncertainty associated with conflicts can impede investment and economic growth—not only during conflict but also afterward, making it difficult to escape the “conflict trap.”2 In addition, conflicts tend to complicate public finances, lowering revenue by destroying part of the tax base while raising military expenditures. Fiscal deficits and public debt rise as a result, and resources shift away from social and developmental spending, which further accentuates the conflicts’ debilitating consequences.

The tribulation is a future seven-year period when He will finish His discipline of Israel and finalize his judgment of the unbelieving world.

War, Development, and Dictatorship  Before 1913 the richest countries in Europe were becoming more democratic, while aristocratic and monarchical institutions were weakening in poorer countries such as Greece, Serbia, Spain, Portugal, and Turkey. In so far as democracies rarely fight each other the prospects for peace in Europe should therefore have been improving.

Losing the Great War destroyed the legitimacy of the regimes that launched it.In Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Russia, the monarchies fell; Germany and Austria became markedly democratic, Hungary mildly so, and Soviet Russia not at all. Where democracy developed, however, it was fragile.The circumstances of the 1920s and early 1930s could hardly have been less favorable,and by the late 1930s the new democratic constitutions had been overridden by a new kind of dictator in Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and most of Eastern Europe, while Russia had gone over from monarchical to communist absolutism with hardly a pause for breath. Rich countries continued to uphold democracy, but most poor countries had succumbed to authoritarianism.

Microeconomics responses to permanent shortage, especially the hoarding of inputs, meant the maintenance of a considerable degree of slack within enterprises. But the nature of this slack was such that the resources it represented were normally inaccessible to planners and policy makers.

The problem is that in the presence of both compliers and de ers there are, potentially, two types of switchers in opposite directions. Monsters gave birth to modernity: those unnamable figures of horror and fascination shadow civilization as its constitutive and abjected discontent. In Europe, from the late eighteenth century on, the term monstrosity mobilized a set of discursive practices that tied racial and sexual deviancy to an overall apparatus of discipline, and, later in the nineteenth century, to the emergence of biopolitics Michel Foucault termed the Abnormals.
Therefore, the war assignment mechanism should have no effect on the earnings of these individuals. If, for example, the never takers born in 1930-35 or those who had the father in war were earning lower wages than the other highly educated individuals because they were nourished in their youth, the war instruments should have a negative and signi ficant effect in a wage regression estimated only on the highly educated..


After Cain killed his brother Abel, God declared to Cain, "Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth" (Genesis 4:11-12). In response, Cain lamented, "My punishment is more than I can bear. Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me" (Genesis 4:13-14). God responded, "Not so; if anyone kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over." Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him" (Genesis 4:15-16)


Erich Fromm, (born March 23, 1900, Frankfurt am Main, Germany—died March 18, 1980, Muralto, Switzerland), German-born American psychoanalyst and social philosopher who explored the interaction between psychology and society. By applying psychoanalytic principles to the remedy of cultural ills, Fromm believed, mankind could develop a psychologically balanced “sane society.”

“What is the meaning of life?” Human life may not have been created with any
predetermined purpose, but this need not mean that it cannot have a purpose.However, it should not end up glowing in an experimental laboratory.

Different rates of exploitation across occupied Europe may be explained by levels of  economic development, the military context, and racism.

For countries in conflict, efforts should focus on limiting the loss of human and physical capital, including by protecting social and development spending, and on trying to maintain well-functioning institutions to lessen the harmful long-term economic effects of conflict.

“Use Your Own Eyes”While this may be especially challenging given fiscal pressures, well-targeted and coordinated humanitarian aid and concessional external assistance can help to create room to respond to the ravaging effects of conflicts.Moreover, external assistance may also be essential for countries suffering from the spillover effects of conflicts, in order to protect displaced populations and alleviate the economic and social strains often generated in host countries.

This awareness has not made everyone give up his theory of progress, but it has given confidence to a few to look askance at the old universalism within which the earlier critiques of colonialism were offered.

The hardest Way to go. Any mediocre man would fight to make the below article as the first lesson to every child entering school. This is the truth every individual irrespective of age should have known. The perspective towards the world, the world nations will get a drastic change...

In principle, conflicts can be differentiated along several dimensions for example, the actors  involved (state versus nonstate), motivation  (religious, political, ethnic), location (domestic versus international, center versus periphery), and so on. In practice, however, the classifications are often not mutually exclusive and tend to involve some subjective judgment. Moreover, the information needed for classification purposes may also be lacking.

For many decades, we've been the souls on the “front lines” of this awakening.


In tandem with growth, public finances also deteriorate significantly following conflicts, with real tax revenues falling, on average, by over 10 percent in intensive conflict cases relative to no-conflict cases.  While, on average, the findings do not suggest a  statistically strong effect of conflicts on total public  spending, the composition of spending tilts away from capital expenditures toward military spending. Consequently, the fiscal balance deteriorates and there is a sharp increase in public debt over the conflict period.

The people, will succeed in freeing ourselves from the enslavement of the Plan and  Babylonian-money-magic, and we will see and end to the reign of the faux-leaders as the Old World Order crumbles and the truth comes out.

History of Social Network Analysis... Social network analysis was initially formalized within the frameworks of graph theory and network theory. Unfortunately, it took centuries for these ideas to transfer from mathematics into the social sciences. Before the more complex analytical techniques that focus largely on mathematical descriptions structure existed, Jacob Levy Moreno revolutionized the study of group behavior with his introduction of sociometry and its accompanying method of the sociograms (Moreno, 1934). Moreno would take a survey of all members of a group, usually small in size, noting the affective flow between all involved parties.

He focused on the valence and directionality of these relationships, concentrating on whether or not interpersonal feelings were positive or negative and if they were reciprocated or not. With this information, Moreno would graphically represent social structure with nodes and ties, a rudimentary precursor of modern computationally driven methods. Sociograms revealed what Moreno called “depth structure,” or the true arrangement of a social system that went beyond the formally defined structure provided by the organization (Moreno, 1934). It was often the case that true social structure did not map well onto intended structure, revealing the power of this new method.Putting this society to work, wars and ensuring obedience to its rule and its mechanisms of inclusion and/or exclusion are accomplished through disciplinary institutions (the prison, the factory, the asylum, the hospital, the university, the school, and so forth) that structure the social terrain and present logic's adequate to the ‘reason’ of discipline. Disciplinary power rules in effect by structuring the parameters and limits of thought and practice, sanctioning and prescribing normal and/or deviant behaviors.

Freedom of Art. Humanity. Justice. Love.

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