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The word physics comes from the Latin physica... The study of nature.Toward the last you stated that the question concerning man's nature is not a question about man. I said only that the question concerning man's nature makes a consideration whether this is the case unavoidable. Even so, it is a mystery to me how man's nature is ever to be found by looking away from man. Yet if we could see sound, our world would be even more beautiful than nature has gifted us to see a world filled with shimmering, holographic bubbles, and wherever a bubble meets a surface, an invisible kaleidoscopic pattern is imprinted.

Yet To see the sounds that create light and life is to open a new window on our world, one that has been veiled for all time. But revealing visible sound is not a new pursuit. Few will be surprised to learn that the first person to leave a written record of this work was none other than Leonardo da Vinci. In the late 1400’s, after observing how the dust motes on his worktable stirred to create shapes when he vibrated the table, he wrote, “I say that when a table is struck in different places the dust that is upon it is reduced to various shapes of mounds and tiny hillocks.”

Deep learning algorithms may take on specific non-rational styles of a specific human actor, but fail to translate this to other scenarios or playing styles. Human neural networks are adaptive to input streams of millions of channels. This is due to growth, pruning, neuro-regeneration and Euro-plasticity characteristic for living beings.

Self-fulfilling prophecies. The complexity of social interactions creates feedback loops of such information management systems - something a programmer would call recursion - which leads to self-similar patterns in thinking (if thinking is based on past memory and experience which it largely does), i.e. repeating the same patterns over and over - hopefully on a smaller scale. The power of this effect can readily be observed in the commercially-controlled media which mostly cites from and inside its own network of information channels. Other examples include hysteria, panics, delusion and stock market bubbles/crashes.Effects of the social media on politics and the public sphere can be divided into two periods: first, fostering democratization movements in authoritarian regime, but second, enabling interfering with politics through manipulation.The Net Delusion/The Dark Side of Freedom

While the concept of "Artificial Intelligence" is clear, the process whereby it happens is impossibly obscure to a lot of people, giving the technology some sort of mystique that can be exploited for psychological purposes.Gustave Le Bon’s arguments are particularly seminal in analyzing the prevalent atmosphere in web-based social networks from the perspective of mass psychology and rising lynch culture.

In his book entitled The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, Le Bon defines the crowd as a community where different individuals gather and assume a new character. The individual, who is relatively rational in his/her own world, starts acting with a different psychology in the crowd and engages in actions that are in line with the character of the crowd. According to Le Bon, the individual’s conscious character disappears with his/her inclusion in the crowd since collective consciousness replaces individual consciousness.

All software is made by human programmers who control it at every stage. Whether writing it using computer code or selecting data sets for it, human input is essential, and can therefore be used for political purposes. Nevertheless, AI software may appear to be somehow impartial, fooling people into accepting its decisions as easily as they do life's vicissitudes beyond human control.

“You can look at disease as a form of disharmony. And there’s no organ system in the body that’s not affected by sound and music and vibration.

”In fact, intelligence a purposeful response to available information, often anticipating the future—is not restricted to the minds of some privileged species. It is distributed throughout biology, at many different spatial and temporal scales. There are not just intelligent people, mammals, birds and cephalopods. Intelligent, purposeful problem-solving behavior can be found in parts of all living things: single cells and tissues, individual neurons and networks of neurons, viruses, ribosomes and RNA fragments, down to motor proteins and molecular networks. Arguably, understanding the origin of intelligence is the central problem in biology—one that is still wide open. In this piece, we argue that progress in developmental biology and neurosciences is now providing a promising path to show how the architecture of modular systems underlies evolutionary and organismal intelligence.

The law of constant composition states that the ratio by mass of the elements in a chemical compound is always the same, regardless of the source of the compound. The law of constant composition can be used to distinguish between compounds and mixtures of elements.Compounds have a constant composition; mixtures do not.

Modern biology faces a fundamental knowledge gap when trying to explain meaningful, intelligent behavior. How can a system composed of cells and electrical signals generate a well-adapted body with behavior and mental states? If cells are not intelligent, how can intelligent behavior emerge from a distributed system composed of them? This fundamental mystery permeates biology. All biological phenomena are, in a sense, “group decisions” because organisms are made of individual parts—organs, tissues, cells, organelles, molecules. What properties of living systems enable components to work together toward higher-level goals?

In Europe the Renaissance of the 14th–17th centuries heralded a scientific revival during which botany gradually emerged from natural history as an independent science, distinct from medicine and agriculture. Herbals were replaced by floras: books that described the native plants of local regions. The invention of the microscope stimulated the study of plant anatomy, and the first carefully designed experiments in plant physiology were performed. With the expansion of trade and exploration beyond Europe, the many new plants being discovered were subjected to an increasingly rigorous process of naming, description, and classification.

Progressively more sophisticated scientific technology has aided the development of contemporary botanical offshoots in the plant sciences, ranging from the applied fields of economic botany (notably agriculture, horticulture and forestry), to the detailed examination of the structure and function of plants and their interaction with the environment over many scales from the large-scale global significance of vegetation and plant communities (biogeography and ecology) through to the small scale of subjects like cell theory, molecular biology and plant biochemistry.

It is a mystery to me too; so I seek to clarify how far this is possible, or perhaps even necessary.To think is to will, and to will is to think.

Physics and the new understanding is one of the academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. Over much of the past two millennia, physics, chemistry, biology, and certain branches of mathematics were a part of natural philosophy, but during the Scientific Revolution in the 17th century these natural sciences emerged as unique research endeavors in their own right.

The notion of a type of art or experimental projections that might be considered slower than commercial or institutional norms is certainly familiar in an informal sense, and tends to conform to a certain logic. That is, a familiar stock of filmmakers are, in casual discourse, frequently associated with slowness as either a convenient point of reference or, offhandedly, as a pejorative.

Newton built the first practical reflecting telescope and developed a sophisticated theory of color based on the observation that a prism separates white light into the colors of the visible spectrum. His work on light was collected in his highly influential book Optics, published in 1704. He also formulated an empirical law of cooling, made the first theoretical calculation of the speed of sound, and introduced the notion of a Newtonian fluid. In addition to his work on calculus, as a mathematician Newton contributed to the study of power series, generalized the binomial theorem to non-integer exponents, developed a method for approximating the roots of a function, and classified most of the cubic plane curves.

The final stage of the experimental process compared the results from the combined music-video condition to the results of the first stage of the experiment that had obtained meanings of the music and video independently. Recall that the combined results showed that happy music (high, fast tones) decreased the level of sadness (for example, low, slow bounce) of the bouncing ball, and conversely the sad music (low, slow tones) increased the level of happiness (for example, high, fast bounce) of the bouncing ball. Thus, the comparison of the uni-modal (auditory or visual) and bimodal (auditory and visual) conditions suggested that the auditory and visual meanings (that is, associations) systematically combined to produce an overall happiness/sadness judgment.

As a part of scientific task, psychology aims to determine how perception of events or objects in the world directly depends on the properties of these events or objects which stimulate the senses. Such information is obtained through repeatable experiments in which human responses are measured under different controlled conditions of external stimulation. Experiments have led to precise accounts of the sensitivity of the eye to color and light, and of the ear to sound frequency and intensity. In addition, research has elucidated complex aspects of perception such as reading, speech, and more recently music. Whereas in the last century much progress has been made in explaining how the eye and ear represent simple and complex information that is either visual or auditory in nature, less is known about how the brain represents multi-sensory information (that is, auditory plus visual).

Once you have an original piece of equipment and can analyze it using the proper electronic test equipment then the mystery of how it worked ends.

In conclusion, experimental psychology research on the effects of film music is in its infancy. The present article has reviewed some of the progress that has been made and provides the Congruence- Associationist framework for considering several challenging issues that lie ahead. 

Non-willing, for one thing, means a willing in such a way as to involve negation, be it even in the sense of a negation which is directed at willing and renounces it. Non-willing means, therefore: willingly to renounce willing. And the term non-willing means,

They have had a wide range of acquisition ranging from major theme parks to pictorial complexes. This may appear to cause no harm. But the spectrum they have been using is very peculiar.  They design these cartoon characters and scenes with the help of topnotch psychiatrists in such a way they directly handle the subconscious mind of children. They sow the seeds, as to how should they see people, how shooting someone is very easy, how growing biceps helps attracting a women,  how smoking is a sign of manhood, how terrorists always happen to be Islamic, how the world is always under the control of a superhero and common people always remain common people and many more. 

The people, will succeed in freeing themselves from the enslavement of the Plan and  Babylonian-money-magic, and we will see and end to the reign of the faux-leaders as the Old World Order crumbles and the truth comes out. Dr. Rife’s Machines worked you can now read this report and see the original equipment and learn how it worked. Most people will realize, after reading this report, that many instruments that are sold on the market today that are called “Rife Machines” do not work on Dr. Rife’s methods, principles or frequencies.We are living in a world of simulation where the truth has lost its value and perceptions overcome realities.



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